International Journal on Science and Technology

E-ISSN: 2229-7677     Impact Factor: 9.88

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 16 Issue 1 January-March 2025 Submit your research before last 3 days of March to publish your research paper in the issue of January-March.

Consistency Models for Cross-Cluster Data Synchronization in Large-Scale Multi-Tenant Architectures

Author(s) Anila Gogineni
Country United States
Abstract Data synchronization is an essential feature in multi-tenanted systems, especially when large scale distributed environment has many clusters processing tenant data in parallel. Maintaining consistency across these clusters is not easy especially given the play between latency, faults, and scalability. There are three primary consistency models: Strong, Eventual, and Causal, each of which have varying levels of Reliability, Availability and effect on the System. Whereas Strong consistency reduces the latency and makes every cluster node consistent at the expense of some availability and scalability, while Eventual consistency provides high availability and scaling capabilities, and it tolerates some temporary data inconsistency. Causal consistency, which is a compromise level, retains the sequence of actions and relations for purposeful links.
Thus, the report uses graphics which help in improving the understanding of concepts. The multi-cluster architecture diagram shows a basic architecture of a multi-tenant system focusing on the clusters and their relations with the databases. A synchronization flow diagram demonstrates how clusters become synchronized, and a failure-handling workflow describes how redundant information replaces earlier more suitable information as clusters work to achieve synchronization. Some other related figures illustrating both the Strong and Eventual consistency workflows are also included. The diagrams, along with detailed explanation of synchronization mechanisms, give strong ground to describe the problems and their solutions for providing data consistency within large-scale, multi-tenant systems.
Keywords Cross-Cluster Synchronization, Multi-Tenant Architectures, Consistency Models, Strong Consistency, Eventual Consistency, Data Governance
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025
Published On 2025-01-04
Cite This Consistency Models for Cross-Cluster Data Synchronization in Large-Scale Multi-Tenant Architectures - Anila Gogineni - IJSAT Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14803228
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