International Journal on Science and Technology

E-ISSN: 2229-7677     Impact Factor: 9.88

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Processing and Properties of Metal Matrix Composites

Author(s) L. Siva Sankara Reddy, P. Thimmaiah, K. Narasimhulu
Country India
Abstract Growing interest in the development and emergence of metal matrix composites (MMCs) during the time period spanning the last two decades has been made possible because of its ability to offer an attractive combination of properties to include high specific strength, enhanced elevated temperature strength, structural efficiency, reliability, improved wear resistance and acceptable corrosion resistance in environments spanning a range of aggressiveness. The overall acceptable combination of mechanical properties and functional response when compared one-on-one with their conventional counterparts makes them a viable choice for selection and use in applications spanning the domains of structural engineering and functional devices. The fabrication techniques and nature of reinforcement play a critical role in the end properties of the engineered or fabricated metal matrix composites (MMCs). This review provides an adequate insight into all aspects and intricacies specific to the development, emergence and commercialization of two-phase processing of metal matrix composites (MMCs). The influence of reinforcement on microstructure development and response kinetics is briefly highlighted with specific reference to mechanical properties of the engineered composite material.
Keywords Lightweight; Spray atomization; Rheocasting; Mechanical behavior; Automotive
Field Physical Science
Published In Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September 2019
Published On 2019-08-14
Cite This Processing and Properties of Metal Matrix Composites - L. Siva Sankara Reddy, P. Thimmaiah, K. Narasimhulu - IJSAT Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September 2019.

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