International Journal on Science and Technology

E-ISSN: 2229-7677     Impact Factor: 9.88

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 16 Issue 1 January-March 2025 Submit your research before last 3 days of March to publish your research paper in the issue of January-March.

Language Contact and Morpho-Syntactic Change in Bajjika: A Sociolinguistic Study of Auxiliary Verb Variation

Author(s) Ranjan Kumar
Country India
Abstract This study examines the impact of language contact on morpho-syntactic change in Bajjika, a minority language spoken in the north-western districts of Bihar, India. Specifically, we investigate the adoption of the Bhojpuri auxiliary verb hawe in Bajjika, and its implications for language variation and change. Our analysis is based on a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data from 12 speakers across four age groups. The findings suggest that language contact with Bhojpuri has led to the diffusion of new auxiliary verb forms in Bajjika, particularly among adult speakers. Interestingly, our data reveal a conflict-driven motivation for this language change, with Bajjika speakers adopting Bhojpuri forms as a means of distancing themselves from Maithili, a language closely associated with the Brahmin castes in Bihar. Our study contributes to a nuanced understanding of language contact, variation, and change, and highlights the complex interplay between social, cultural, and linguistic factors in shaping language use.
Keywords language contact, morpho-syntactic change, Bajjika, Bhojpuri, Maithili, auxiliary verb variation, sociolinguistics.
Field Sociology > Linguistic / Literature
Published In Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025
Published On 2025-01-21
Cite This Language Contact and Morpho-Syntactic Change in Bajjika: A Sociolinguistic Study of Auxiliary Verb Variation - Ranjan Kumar - IJSAT Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025. DOI 10.71097/IJSAT.v16.i1.1494
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