International Journal on Science and Technology

E-ISSN: 2229-7677     Impact Factor: 9.88

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 16 Issue 1 January-March 2025 Submit your research before last 3 days of March to publish your research paper in the issue of January-March.

Automated Pet Feeding and Hydration System Using IoT and Voice Control

Country India
Abstract One of the rather complex aspects of owning a pet is the provision of day-to-day feeding and watering, in a manner that guarantees consistency. This challenge is especially prevalent with pet owners having hectic schedules or when they leave on business trips very frequently. If there were such a thing as smart solutions or capabilities to automate the process, it would greatly relieve many pet owners of these burdens. For this reason, the Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly becoming that solution for automating pet care. In this work, we propose an innovative IoT-based and voice-controlled pet-feeding-and-watering automation system that serves pet owners remotely so they can be anywhere while this exercise is implemented in real time. This research dwells extensively on the design, development, implementation, and experimentation of the system and at the end demonstrates how automation and smart technology can change the face of pet care as we understand it today.
Keywords Internet of Things (IoT), Voice Control, Automated Pet Feeder, Google Assistant, NodeMCU ESP8266, Adafruit IO, Pet Care Automation
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025
Published On 2025-01-18
Cite This Automated Pet Feeding and Hydration System Using IoT and Voice Control - BHAVANA.B, KAVYA.S, ADARSH.S, VIVEK BABU, ALBY ALPHONSA JOSEPH - IJSAT Volume 16, Issue 1, January-March 2025. DOI 10.71097/IJSAT.v16.i1.1479
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