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E-ISSN: 2229-7677     Impact Factor: 9.88

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Addressing Evolving Threats in 5G Networks

Author(s) Aqsa Sayed
Country United States
Abstract The rapid deployment of 5G networks is transforming the telecommunications industry by offering unprecedented speeds, ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC), and massive connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT). However, alongside the promises of 5G come new security challenges and evolving threats that could undermine the integrity and reliability of these networks. As 5G networks rely heavily on virtualized infrastructures, cloud technologies, and diverse communication paradigms, they introduce new vectors for cyber-attacks. This paper explores the evolving threats to 5G networks, including vulnerabilities specific to 5G architecture, potential attack surfaces, and the emerging risks posed by the integration of new technologies. Furthermore, the paper reviews current security mechanisms and frameworks, while proposing a multi-layered approach for addressing these challenges. The importance of proactive security measures, collaboration between stakeholders, and continuous evolution of defense strategies are emphasized to safeguard 5G networks.
Keywords 5G Networks, Cybersecurity, Network Slicing, Virtualization, Threat Landscape, IoT Security, 5G Architecture, Attack Surface, Threat Mitigation, Security Frameworks
Field Computer > Network / Security
Published In Volume 14, Issue 2, April-June 2023
Published On 2023-06-07
Cite This Addressing Evolving Threats in 5G Networks - Aqsa Sayed - IJSAT Volume 14, Issue 2, April-June 2023. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14474593
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