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Implication of Selected Pranayamas in Normal Life

Author(s) Mr. Gursharan Singh
Country India
Abstract Thousands of years ago yoga originated in India and global recognition of yoga also testifies to India's growing cultural influence., and in present day and age, an alarming awareness was observed in health and natural remedies among people by yoga and pranayama which has been proven an effective method for improving health in addition to prevention and management of diseases. Pranayama is the fourth part of Sage Patanjali’s Ashtang Yoga. Pranayama affects our respiratory system. In modern time, human life has become very smooth. Today’s man can perform work without applying much efforts and the side effect of this thing is that human life has been filled with so much worries, tensions, and stresses. 95% population of the country is suffering from these diseases in some manners. Pranayama is the best option to overcome so many diseases i.e. stress by using different types of Pranayamas.
Keywords Pranayama, Yoga, and Stress
Field Arts
Published In Volume 1, Issue 2, April-June 2010
Published On 2010-04-06
Cite This Implication of Selected Pranayamas in Normal Life - Mr. Gursharan Singh - IJSAT Volume 1, Issue 2, April-June 2010.

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