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Technical Insights into the Implementation of z/OS Memory and Address Spaces

Author(s) Chandra mouli Yalamanchili
Country United States
Abstract z/OS is an advanced operating system designed for IBM mainframes that excel in enterprise-level scalability and reliability. IBM's memory management is one of the vital factors that make IBM z/OS 's massive processing possible.
This paper explores different concepts regarding different types of memory and how IBM mainframes use memory and storage to provide massive processing scale.
This paper also explores a coding example to illustrate the memory allocation and de-allocation from program perspective.
Keywords IBM Mainframe; z/OS; Mainframe memory management; z/OS memory paging; z/OS storage; z/OS address spaces.
Published In Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December 2020
Published On 2020-12-04
Cite This Technical Insights into the Implementation of z/OS Memory and Address Spaces - Chandra mouli Yalamanchili - IJSAT Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December 2020. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14288200
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